Countdown to tuition!

Saturday, August 22, 2020 by Kerry Anderson | Uncategorized

Well here we go folks.   

Just hours after I had posted our new socially distant schedule, the government announced further restrictions on groups.


We kick off September 2nd in Wicklow East Glendalough School and Monday September 7 in Newcastle Parish Centre.

So a recap of all that has changed since the advent of 'lockdown'

Both of our Musical Theatre Tutors have decided to change direction.  So a very fond farewell to Caroline Hill and Clare Dixon - words are not enough! But I know we'll meet again one COVID-free day!  Caroline and her husband John were an absolute powerhouse of production and I will miss those heady days of panto magic!  Caroline is moving into film set design and we all wish her well on her road to success!

We'll miss Clare's fun-and-games apporach to tuition.  She got great results from the team of singers and we wish her all the best as she goes further into choral directing (such as it is right now!!).

Now we have intimate theatre to look forward to with Maura Flynn.  Maura has produced many, many shows and jumped at the chance to work on this new course.  She's preparing the details as I write this and will feature on the website page shortly.

We've advertised 10 in a group; now we will reduce that to 5 and see how the COVID situation unfolds.  Praying that the virus has modified itself (as they are want to do) into something more in line with common flu.  In the mean time, I will be taking zinc supplements and D3 as the winter months approach.

Note the musical theatre course is now running each Saturday at 3:30 in Newcastle Parish Centre (A63X782) in the enormous Hall and their giant doors will be wide open until the cold sets in...

We are offering Musicianship ONLINE for beginner to grade one standard each Saturday at 2:00pm.  I will run these classes, and a curriculum will commence in October, but the class starts in September.  This means that in September we can get established as a small community, sharing our taste in music, and establishing what we already know and need to work on.  There is room for up to 12 students, and I am hoping to have something prepared for our virtual Christmas concert.  

Maura is running the intermediate Musicianship course each Saturday morning at 8:15-9:00am. Students are teens and are at grade 2 to 4 instrumental standard.  This course is on-site in East Glendalough School.

All instrumental tuition is running as usual ON-SITE.  But I hasten to add that our students/parents must agree to a default of online delivery should lockdown conditions return.

In the world of opera Pagliacci, the sad clown, sings 'Vesti la Giubba!'  On with the show! 

But let's not be sad.  

Best wishes everyone!


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COVID-19 Update - tuition is available online.