'Coping with Covid' Musical Theatre Update - the show (and rehearsals) must go on!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 by Kerry Anderson | Uncategorized

Well hello again,

What a crazy old time this is! It's not all bad for those of us who are not suffering symptoms, or indeed worrying about loved ones needing intensive care.  

Just on the phone to a friend who runs a tennis school and he admits, with paint brush in hand, that he'd have never gotten the time to do the maintenance he's pushing out in the Wicklow sunshine!

So to business.  The online classes are going very well in view of the sudden shift.  WhatsApp has been fabulous for my piano students, and Skype is the best for voice students.  I am delighted to see the practise zone for pianists at home, as many seats needed adjustment.  They are often too high, or low or close to the keys.  PARENTS HAVE BEEN AWESOME, with all the needed support.   A big thank you!

Musical theatre virtual classes begin this Friday, April 3rd with Crowdcast.  Students will get a URL and password via an email invitation.

Here is the assignment for this week's session:

At the moment we aim to get the children up and performing again ...this time on a short 3 minute video that you make at home and can send to the school.
We shall watch beforehand and discuss and watch the performances on Friday during the Crowdcast class online- you will be sent an email inviting you to attend ! We hope to also run some drama exercises and games and sing some songs in class too.
These are strange times and we are all having to adapt!
For the video: We thought that the children might enjoy playing different characters so they now have the choice to prepare a song and some lines from ANY CHARACTER in the Sound of Music .
Things to do:
*Decide which character you would like to be- if you could be anyone at all in the play!
*Find that characters song on the backing track
*Find their lines in the script
* put the lines and song together for your video
*find costumes at home (scarves/hats/dress/suit ) to wear in video
*Decide and practice the movement -
/dance for that character
Please note this is a fun experimental exercise, don’t get too worried about costume but do try to think about expressing the characters feelings through their dance/movement.
*Remember your hands and face are the most expressive parts of your body when acting
* practice in a mirror in costume before filming
* laugh and have fun !!


Please contact us at 

info@wicklowmusicdrama.ie  OR 

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Twitter: @wwmusicdrama

Tel: 089 252 8940  

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COVID-19 Update - tuition is available online.